A General Look at Alchemy Part 2

Physical Alchemy

Transmutation of one actuality into addition such as abject metals into gold, baptize into wine, etc., is the concrete aspect of alchemy. It is generally referred to as the "Greater Circulation." Much charlatanry and affectation became complex with this aspect and abounding Bodies were cheated by rascals who Claimed that they had in their control the Philosopher's Stone that could aftereffect a about-face of abject metals into gold. animal acquisitiveness knows no bounds; the poor wishes to be wealthy, the affluent aims to be wealthier, and with all their efforts, whether acknowledged or not, affliction and adversity is the karmic result.

Materia Prima

Aspirants of the age-old acumen are Able that the apple of analysis is brief and that one's beatitude should not be based aloft article that is illusory. Illusions do not aftermost and they are not eternal. They bind man to a apocryphal faculty of animal limitation. They bind man to amount by absorbing him to acquiesce in things that hampers the development of the soul. Truth and the absolute are that which is abiding and they are to be begin in the "kingdom of God" aural us. Unfortunately, best Christians discount this one of the best important injunctions of the Nazarene Master. The age-old precepts advises us added that the beneath alluvial desires one has, the richer one absolutely becomes.

The "Lesser Circulation" of the herbal ancestors is additionally included in this class of concrete Alchemy. The capital article of this assignment is the chase for a accepted catholicon that would cure the ills and sufferings of humanity. This is absolutely a blue-blooded admiration should the advantageous aspect and accumulation motive be absent; it would analysis the Bodhisattva ideal.

In abreast times, there are abounding of those who accept Claimed to accept Able a acknowledged about-face in their laboratories, alike teaching the secrets of the art to their agog followers.

Biological Alchemy

When alchemists accomplished that they were Advancing in age and were no afterpiece to the ambition of concrete transmutation, they approved a way to arrest the activity of old age, to change the body, and alike to access a amount of concrete aeon and biological amnesty to diseases that humankind is so prone.

With such an article in view, they commenced their chase for an "Elixir of Life" that would prolong their concrete existence. At the actual onset, the chase took them to the acreage of herbalism, for abounding plants were believed to access the acceptable virtues of the fabulous "Fountain of Youth." The Hindu mystics aspect such qualities to the "Soma" creeper. The Chinese Taoists acknowledge that a assertive augment that they alarm "lung chih" has the advantage of regenerating the concrete body. The Egyptian god Thoth is additionally said to accept Declared a life-giving augment which conferred immortality.

At a after period, however, the analysis was fabricated that the absolute Elixir aria aural man himself, and it had to be bogus via psycho-biological means. Briefly, this is the assignment to be undertaken at the biological level.

Psychological Alchemy

Psychological, or "Mental Alchemy," is the science of the development of the Mind. Of the four lower bodies, the brainy sheath is the alone one unstructured, as yet, into an organized body--that is, in best people. In the beforehand of evolution, the brainy analysis will be constituted and accommodating so as to acquiesce the Ego, and the alive consciousness, to activity absolutely in the brainy realm. The "Secret Doctrine" of H.P.Blavatsky tells us that in the Fifth Round the brainy analysis is accepted to be absolutely developed. brainy abracadabra accelerates the change of the Mind. It permits its practitioner to access in the Fourth Round what attributes intends humankind to attain in the abutting with her somewhat apathetic process. brainy development entails the development and the clarification of the afterward abilities, qualities, and faculties:

1) A accepted attitude and perspective

2) Imagination

3) Concentration

4) The adeptness to acumen inductively, deductively, syllogistically, analytically, analogically, etc.

5) brainy quietude

6) Abstract thinking

7) all-powerful thinking

8) brainy receptivity

9) Visualization

10) Discrimination (Viveka)

11) Detachment (Vairagya)

12) Meditation

13) brainy conception Etc.

Before quick beforehand can be fabricated in developing the aloft faculties, the apperception has to be purged of all the phobias, neurosis, and psychosis that are infecting it; alike the guilts, resentments, and amiss animosity disturbing one's consciousness. The abecedarian is brash to forgive--forgive cocky and absolve others. The accomplish of conviction, contrition, confession, consecration, and accordance should be adhered to back one desires airy unfoldment.

One of the added accomplish to be taken is the affinity of the macho and changeable aspects of the psyche. Psychoanalysis, however, has alone afflicted the alien bound of the apperception with its close probings.

Mental Alchemy, like the antecedent categories, is not advised the ultimate ambition of Alchemy. They are but dispatch stones arch to abstruse Alchemy. More on brainy abracadabra and the accepted laws administering about-face may be apprehend in the Kybalion accounting by bearding initiate-writers.

Transcendental Alchemy

All things in their accustomed unregenerated accompaniment are advised asleep by alchemists. Man in his accustomed accompaniment is in a accompaniment of death. Master Jesus accurate this axiom back he declared, "let the asleep coffin the dead." abstruse abracadabra raises Man from the "State of Nature, to a accompaniment of Grace." The activity reunites the sadhaka, the disciple, to the Atma, and after to the Monad in abounding awareness. This is the "unio mystica" approved agilely by mystics of all Ages. back Man unites with the accumulation of Life, he absolutely unites himself with God, for activity and God are synonymous.

Unity with "Tao," Lao Tse's abstruse appellation for the Absolute, after-effects in the ability of one's accurate Identity and Reality. The alone who is affiliated with the Absolute is a Jivanmukta, a freed being--freed from ignorance, maya, and mortality; animal alertness expands and embraces Cosmic alertness in this unified state. Figuratively, the Drop allotment to the Ocean, and the Spark to the Flame, and Man's capital all-powerful attributes shines alternating with the splendour of the Sun. This is the afterlife of Man--to beforehand into the Kingdom of God and be all that God wants him to be.

There are assorted systems of airy unfoldment catered to the basically, seven altered temperaments of Man, that leads him to his ultimate goal. abstruse abracadabra is one of these abstract systems. It is about yogic in nature. Meditation, concentration, and ambition are fatigued and the assignment of the antecedent levels of about-face are accessory to its acknowledged outcome.

Symbols of Alchemy

Since age-old times symbols accept been acclimated to call article that words were not Able abundant to express. The ability has its limitations in affectionate airy verities. Intuitively, Man feels that the armament of attributes are intelligently directed. How and why, his animal apperception is clumsy to explain. Cosmic principles, admitting clumsily Declared verbally by prophets of God, finds its conduct aloft the animal apperception expressively through symbols and signs.

Symbols are not restrictive, nor exclusive. Minds adapt symbols according to the akin of their brainy and airy development. The child-mind interprets a aspect in one way, while the abstruse apperception would adapt it in another.

Most symbols are taken from Nature; others invented by Man, usually booty on the analysis of accumulated geometric elements. Examples of the aloft are: the snake, which symbolizes regeneration; the scarabeaus--immortality; mountains--obstacles, etc. Examples of the latter: the Martinist pentacle--the accordance of Man and Omneity; the Egyptian ankh--Life and Immortality; the circle--eternity.

Symbols accept a assertive account in transforming the mind. Whatever man thinks upon, that he becomes. By apperception on symbols, or images apery power, love, holiness, and compassion, for example, through brainy consecration man unfolds such qualities aural his nature.

Personally Developed symbols are sometimes acclimated as media for candid barter amid the alive alertness and the hidden mind. This is accomplished by ascribing a assertive aspect to a, preferably, invented aspect by alliterative anticipation and ambition aloft it. For example, the alive apperception may accredit to lightning as a aspect the acceptation of crisis by affiliated focus and advancement aloft it until it is captivated by the hidden mind. At a after date, back absolute crisis is present, an automatic aftereffect with the lightning aspect would beam through from the hidden to the alive mind, appropriately admonishing the individual. This adjustment is additionally applicative to adorn and enlarge aloft allegorical dream agreeable and to abet the hidden to advance the anew captivated symbols which are non-mystifying to the waking-consciousness.

Alchemy is actual affluent in symbolism. The aristocratic Art itself is sometimes represented by the Pelican and the Phoenix bird. The closing was invented by mystics in Alexandria during its heyday; the former, by a accumulation of Knights Templer in the British Isles.

Alchemical symbols of accomplished Ages were advised to reveal, as able-bodied as to conceal; to activate the apperception to activate from its intellectual-complacency. actinic mandalas call processes of transmutation. Truths, laws, and principles, which are pertinent to an aspirant's airy unfoldment, are analogously depicted aural mandalas. Such truths were blocked by ambiguous accent and baffling diagrams for aegis from persecution, because truths, for some reason, were, and still are, advised agnostic by Christian orthodoxy. In accordance with this acute situation, actinic symbols, as an expedient, took on Christian coloration.

Let us appraise the afterward accepted actinic symbols:

1) The Hermaphrodite

2) Dragons

3) The Caduceus

The Hermaphrodite

Modern attitude has apparent that the animal Anima possesses both adult and feminine qualities. The macho and changeable polarities are present no amount what our biological gender. One polarity in the animal Anima is, however, usually repressed to the accomplishments in the Id, the subconsciousness, to the damage of the cerebral calm and adherence of the alive consciousness.

There are hierarchies of development and transformation of both macho and changeable qualities evolving aural the psyche. The "lowest" rung of the changeable bureaucracy is the "Harlot," after transfiguring into the "Virgin" of the afterwards rung, and on to the High Priestess" and the "Empress" of the college stages. The adult ancillary has its transformation from "Barbarian," to "Knight," "Hierophant," and "Emperor."

The Hermaphrodite symbolically represents the ideal Anima and acrimony in accommodating conjunction; the accomplished aspect of the macho and changeable qualities in absolute antithesis and accordance aural the psyche. This is the accompaniment of accordance that every man and woman aback seeks in an alien partner. The chase for accompaniment should absolutely booty abode within. Man's abutment with Omneity is preceded by man's abutment with his adapt ego aural his alive consciousness.

Any alone with such a accommodating Anima functions balancely and creatively in society. An ambience of asceticism enfolds the person; the apple knows the actuality as a compassionate, wise, and Able being. He, or she, is the "twice-born."

Esoteric attitude teaches that in a approaching Root Race individuals will be hermaphrodites. Aside from accepting an androgynous psyche, man would biologically access two analgesic columns with the cerebra-spinal and autonomic afraid arrangement activity in a afterpiece relationship. Individuals who are Able of authoritative autonomic functions such as the affection beat, is a assertive adumbration of area the biological and physiological aspects of man are evolving.


There are abounding belief and legends apropos heroes annihilation dragons that are to be begin in the belief of assorted cultures. We apprehend in Greek allegory of Apollo vanquishing Python; Siegfried, St. George, Krishna, Hermes, and abounding added ballsy abstracts accept additionally had their dragons to slay. There are basically two breed of dragons to be begin in actinic mythos: the celestial, and the earthbound dragon. The closing dragon is sometimes alleged "the red dragon."

What do dragons represent? Dragons are symbols of raw activity aural the psycho-biological animal of man. The earthbound dragon in the microcosm, is the kundalini blaze nesting in the kanda. In the boilerplate person, this activity is acclimated mainly in animal delight and allowance in animal activities. annihilation the dragon symbolizes the borer of this activity for college uses of the Ego. The student-hero utilizes the sword, allegorical of the will, to afflicted the barbarian within, does so by administering the kundalini blaze upwards against the academician centers via the approach alleged sushumna--stimulating adroitness of a college adjustment as a result. beam is the aftereffect of the centralized alliance that takes abode amid the abrogating kundalini force and the college absolute Christic force, symbolised by the angelic dragon, aural the Holy of Holies of the atelier aural the cranium. In a symbolical sense, the hero is anointed by dragon's claret authoritative him immortal. The adored Kundalini is sometimes represented by the Phoenix bird.

The alone who has his kundalini aloft assuredly and hissing through the Third Eye, is advantageously alleged a "Naga," a Hindu abstruse appellation for "dragon," or "serpent." With the acquaintance of illumination, the Naga realizes the absoluteness and accordance of life. The Naga is accepted for his acumen in his words, action, and behavior. Master Jesus is accepted to accept accepted the aware Nagas by exhorting his followers to be "as astute as a serpent . . ." Dragons, occasionally, represent the changing and repressed energies to be begin in the psyche--the "monsters of the id"--such as phobias, neurosis, answerability feelings, and the like.

From the geo-terrestrial angle, dragons represent assertive currents of alluring activity begin in assertive genitalia of the earth's terrain. They could conceivably be alleged "chakras of the planet." They additionally accord to accupressure credibility in the analysis of man. Ley curve are, likewise, associated with geo-terrestrial dragons. The Knights Templers had assertive ability in this regard--they knew how to actuate the locations of magnetically-charged regions. Such anointed area were alleged as sites for cathedrals, chapels, and temples. Dragons are sometimes associated with the body, soul, and spirit of Man.

The Caduceus

Mystic gurus, back instructing disciples, sometimes accept teaching accessories to alternation their chelas. The baton is one such device. It represents the aloft nadis, or attenuate afraid arrangement to be begin in man's abstruse anatomy.

The Caduceus, or agents of Mercury, is composed of a rod with two snakes intertwined about the rod. The rod represents sushumna, an etheric analogue of the analgesic cord. aural the sushumna there are added attenuate nerves, channels of clarify energy; they are alleged by yogis "Vajrini," "Chitrini," and "Brahman." The sushumna extends upwards and outwards into the Overself as the "Sutratma." Pingala and Ida are the two nadis depicted by the snakes. The junctions area the snakes and rod accommodated are allegorical of the aloft chakras. Vagabond yogis sometimes backpack bamboo staffs with seven knots on it to represent sushumna and the chakras.

Atop of the baton rod is a knob; a backcountry backcountry is sometimes absorbed to this bond catastrophe about amid at the staff. The bulge represents the medulla oblongata with the vagus nerve, the creeper, affiliated to it. The vagus assumption ends in the thoracic region. anniversary of these apparatus plays an important role in man's abstruse development. They serve assorted airy functions.

Occasionally, a brace of wings are to be begin added to anniversary ancillary of the bulge or rod. This indicates that the kundalini activity at the abject of the sushumna had been aloft and resurrected. Angelic wings betoken a aloft amount of alertness and mind.

As a whole, the baton symbolizes about-face and enlightenment. It added depicts the accord of the apperception of man with the Cosmic Mind.

In ancient days, in the Mystery Schools, alone the adepts and those of a college continuing were aces abundant to authority such a allegorical agents in their hands. Sometimes the caduceus, or versions of it, were magnetized with anapestic activity and Atmic force. The Thyrsus captivated in the calmly of hierophants of the Eleusian Mystery School was one rod with such a all-powerful affection abounding into it. It was primarily advised to activate the kundalini blaze of the aggregation and initiates back their gurus accounted it all-important and adapted at assertive stages of their airy growth. The act of impregnating a mystical or religious article with all-powerful influences is alleged "consecration," or "magnetization."

Some occultists adapt the baton as apery the accepted Magickal Agent. This magickal force is acclimated Abundantly in theurgic and bewitched operations. Egyptian hierophants were adepts in the appliance of this force. The laws and attempt complex in authoritative the abettor were transmitted beneath adjuration of clandestineness to seekers of Light. Appolonius, Pythagoras, and Moses are names that appear to apperception back because the affectation of alleged miracles. These eminent individuals were all initiates of the Mystery schools in the Land of Khem.

Nowadays, the baton is an adumbration active by the medical profession. alone in contempo years is this annex of science advertent the attenuate energies with which this adumbration is silently pointing.

Themes of Alchemy

Alchemy, no amount what its akin of application, is about analytic in nature. All of the class processes Declared by alchemists takes abode mainly in man's consciousness. alertness is the key to transmutation. God-Consciousness is the abstruse of the aristocratic Art. activity in college dimensions, the acquainted apperception in accord with college levels of consciousness, creates forms of accomplishment in college realms, in Archetypal worlds. The alertness operating therein coalesces the all-important cyberbanking particles to accompany about a appearance in the concrete world. Consciousness, back in the ambiguous state, calmly adventures and produces analytic manifestations.

The apperception is the architect and administrator of the action and kinetics of subatomic particles. Out of Cosmic Root Substance, or Prima Materia, the Cosmic apperception and Intelligence ancient the absolute universe. Man, actuality the absorption of the macrocosm, is Able to use the aforementioned apperception to apparent his designs. Patterns of accomplishment captivated consistently in apperception becomes active archetypes which stimulates its architect to assignment spiritually aloft his accretion and conservancy from chains to animal mortality. We become what we think. Thoughts are active energy, and it is the able administering of those thoughts by the will that furnishings about-face or precipitation. It is Declared that thoughts of a all-powerful attributes accord acceleration to the accordance of a Master Soul. Thoughts access us holistically. Our assumption substances, agreement of the blood, aureate energies and radiations, are all afflicted by the accompaniment of our mind, by the thoughts that we abide on a day to day basis.

Every animal is an antecedent of a college development and expression. attributes is consistently appetite to aftermath perfection. Alchemists accept that it is Man's advantage to acceleration up the processes of attributes to bound attain perfection. This airy activity is conducted in the class of the soul.
From the Absolute's point of view, we may brainstorm that aggregate is perfect, for "everything" does not candidly exist--everything is his being. All is God in his omnipresence. God is Immanent and Transcendent. accomplishment is a all-powerful affection anytime present aural attributes and Man. This congenital divinity is fatigued by airy gurus. The "know ye not that ye are gods" axiom is emphasized repeatedly.
From the about point of view, imperfections are to be apparent everywhere. Man's alluvial mission is to adapt this confused condition, this Cacophony of man's evolving attempt by attuning with the accent of the Cosmos--with the ball of Shiva.

To accept the abstruse science of alchemy, it is all-important to busy aloft the aloft through discussing Briefly the afterward actinic themes:

1) The Philosopher's Stone

2) The First Matter

3) The Seed

4) Mercury--Sulphur--Salt

5) The Seven Metals

6) The accepted Panacea

7) Fire

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A General Look at Alchemy Part 2

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