Orgone, Life Force Power of Magic and Geomancy

From abounding traditions, from all over the world, there is a force or a agglomeration of armament ( energy) that sustain all being. It has been accustomed as abounding names as there are cultures, languages, and acceptance systems.

In the Hindu arrangement of acceptance it is alleged Prana. It is the "Prima Materia" the universal, Bendable average of alchemists, the beastly allure of Mesmer, the "Vril" of Theosophy, Orgone by Wilhem Reich and the Chi or Qi of Chinese Geomancy and aggressive Arts. In the Northern Tradition it is alleged "Ond," the Odinic Breath, "The Breath of Odin."

Materia Prima

Everything in the Universe possesses Ond, or Orgone. This Orgone can be apparent as a spirit, with a appropriate appearance or abstract power. It is the animate aspect that belongs to both the actual and bewitched domains.

In plants, Orgone gives alleviative powers, in our aliment stuffs it is the aspect that makes accouchement abound and gives us the activity to break alive. In active plants it is the citizen soul.

When abstinent by accurate means, Orgone is the affection of amount accepted as "Energy." But it is not aloof a average for the transference of activity by chemical, magnetic, electrical and added means, it is additionally forms the patterns of geometry and breeze present in all actual things and processes.

In our landscape, Orgone is fatigued bottomward from the sky to aerial points, It has been speculated that the "blue" of the sky is an apparent appearance of "Orgone" energy. It flows in the the anatomy of baptize or air. It's breeze and administration is bent by the patterns of the land. In some places it accumulates and becomes stagnant; in added places it flows abroad rapidly. Where it is accustomed to concentrate, these are areas that are anticipation of as "Places of Power" in the landscape.

In the Norse adoration these areas were accepted as "Earth Spirits" (Landvaettir or acreage Wights), Yarthkins etc. Each accepting a benign or adverse furnishings on animal activities able there. Geomants, Magicians, acceptable hunters, and farmers accept consistently had a attenuate affinity with these energies.

This Orgone activity is present in the animal body, and practitioners of the crafts of magic, meditation, healing, airy enlightenment, and aggressive arts which absolute and enhance this power.

In the Northern Tradition, one aspect of Orgone, or Ond, is Hamingja, the Controllable activity through which shape-shifting and added abilities are accomplished. It is alone as a guardian sprite. Sometimes this activity is arresting appearing from the easily of the practitioners of healing or aggressive arts. Such manifestations are accepted from angelic bodies in all the worlds religious traditions.

The "halos" apparent about the active of deities and saints are depictions of this power. Outwardly, Lightning is carefully affiliated with this. Similar energies accept been begin at bean circles such as "Stone Henge."

Even admitting "proof " of this activity is in it's aboriginal stages, practitioners of the aloft mentioned crafts can accomplish use of it after alive what these energies are composed of. This would be in the aforementioned way that we apperceive blush after alive what amicableness of the electromagnetic spectrum we are perceiving.

Brightest of Blessings,

Orgone, Life Force Power of Magic and Geomancy

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