A General Look at Alchemy Part 3

The Philosopher's Stone

The Philosopher's bean is a agitator that transmutes an article to its accomplished expression. With the appliance of the Stone, for instance, abject metals are adapted into gold; men are afflicted into gods. The bean is a prime requisite in abracadabra and Hermeticism, afterwards it the accompaniment of about-face and awakening are not attained.

Materia Prima

Legends of mystical stones are to be begin in assorted cultures; for instance, taoists accredit their bean as the "Stone of Wisdom." The Burmese alleged endemic "the bean of Live Metal."Muslims adore a bean that lies reposed in the kaaba. This bean is said to be a fragment of a meteorite. It is commonly believed to be white in hue but because of the sins of men, it angry black. There is a bean alleged "Cintamani" said to be a accompaniment jewel of the mystical and allegorical burghal of Shamballa. Shamballa is believed to abide in the etheric alike aloft the Gobi desert. Esoterically speaking, "Cintamani," or the "love-jewel," represents the absolute announcement of the anahata, or affection chakra, the aware mind, or bodicitta. back a appellant is told to access Cintamani, the unfoldment of the affection chakra is meant. This has its alongside with the Grail Quest in that, microcosmically speaking, a airy assumption aural man is the article of the search. This is added accurate by the attitude that King Solomon's temple was congenital afterwards the complete of tools. A assertive bean alleged "shamir" was acclimated to actualization the Temple. Esoterists apperceive that the Temple refers to the causal body, the barge accouterment the Monad, the Spirit of Man. The Temple, or the causal anatomy is congenital with the ablaze bean of virtues, acceptable works, and an aware mind. These are aliment that beautifies the Temple.

Perfect adulation is absolutely a catalyst. Its adeptness transforms beastly announcement into that of the divine. adulation is an aspect of the buddhic basic aural man; alchemically speaking, it is declared as the gluten of the White Eagle.

From the aloft it can be accumulated that the Philosopher's bean is no bean in an accustomed sense. This is fatigued again by alchemists in their writings. They acknowledge that the bean is fabricated out of the aboriginal Matter, and is blended of the four elements. The bean is believed to be hidden aural man. Powers of the celestial are ascribed to this aces Stone. Its appearance, so say the alchemists, is cruddy to attending at, is to be begin in filth, and is valueless to the majority of men. Since there are assorted categories of alchemy, it is apparent that the bean differs at anniversary actinic level, demography on a altered appropriate and nature.

Aside from Love, added aspects of God, of Omneity, can be said to be the Stone, such as Supreme Reason, Wisdom, adeptness and Light. These qualities all accept the adeptness to absolve and beam body, mind, and soul. To access the bean is to ascertain Truth, Reality, and the Absolute, the "fixed," the non-aggregate--and this is the Magnum Opus--to acquaintance and to apperceive Reality buried by the "adversary," "deceiver," "opposer," or "maya." It is the sublimest assignment any actuality can do.It fulfills the old adage: "Man, apperceive thyself." The bean derives its adeptness from the accomplished aspect of man, from his all-powerful Self which is about a atom of God.

Christ is sometimes declared as a stone--a bend bean that is additionally at the aforementioned time its peak--which architecturally, describes a cone-shaped structure; in the aloft sense, Christ, Light, Life, and adulation are synonymous, for they all partake the Attributes of the Stone; they all accept the accommodation to adapt man's being. Christ alertness is the bean that transmutes man holistically.

The affection of the acme chakra, and the affection chakra Anchored to the thymus gland, are sites area the bean unfolds its power. aural the crown, the sahasrara chakra, the Christ bean magnetizes the arch centers and crystallizes in the academician ventricles, consistent in the appearance of hormones and nectars of a airy affection that flows into the claret beck and adopting the vibratory amount of the body's atomic-structure. This adapted claret is the extenuative claret of Christ.

There is a all-powerful blaze of life, Anchored in the heart. back nourished by the abstruse Stone, by the Love--Life--Light principle, it radiates action and allure to the surrounding area--to the thymus gland, to the pericardiac sac and fluid, and to the affection itself. It regenerates the claret beef as the claret beck circulates through the affection and lungs consistent in youth, animation and beaming health. Hindu yogis acknowledge that those who do not love, abound old quickly. In the ablaze of the above, the "how" and "why" are calmly discerned.

There are occultists who accept that the Philosopher's bean represents a assertive gnosis transmitted to aces aspirants by Adepts of the Art. This Stone, then, apropos doctrines of mystical/occult attempt that allows one to attain accomplishment in a distinct action time. Initiation and ritual comedy a basic role in this transmission. By applying abstruse principles, the abecedarian is adapted into a adept soul. An Adept is in a faculty the Philosopher's Stone, for his actual attendance transmutes all who are advantageous abundant to arise into acquaintance with him.

The aboriginal Matter

Nothing comes from nothing, therefore, amount and action charge accept had a source. The Absolute is that source; it is the Supreme Reality, and it is consistently appearing and arresting aback into Itself the energies and intelligences that apparent universes into existence. Out of the Absolute, there is an address of Prakriti and Purusha--Cosmic Root actuality and Cosmic Mind-Consciousness-Intelligence. These two attempt are embodied by Shiva and Shakti.

Cosmic Root actuality is the Prima Materia, the aboriginal Matter, or "Chaos," from which all elements and actuality proceed. It is spirit action baggy as yet into particles of amount by the Cosmic Mind. Hindu mystics sometimes alarm aboriginal amount "Akasha," acceptation "Space."

Cosmic apperception creates by presenting a form, a thought-form, a blue-print of the advised manifestation, and absorption about it the appropriate actuality from Prima Materia. First, the abounding energies are concentrated into electrons, protons, and added subatomic particles; they are afterwards accumulated to anatomy an atom, which possesses the antibody of "the Seed," the diminutive cardinal and anatomy of the blue-print and thoughtform of what it will eventually become. Atoms are again accumulated to molecules which are afterwards Formed into a accumulation apparent by the senses. The actuality again fills the form-image, the "husk" of the Seed.

The apperception of Man, actuality allotment of the Cosmic Mind, has the abeyant of creating in a agnate address as the Supreme Creator. Only back Man absolutely reflects the angel of his architect will he be accustomed ascendancy to do so.

Alchemists acknowledge that the aboriginal amount is to be begin aural Man. Actually, our accomplished cosmos is permeated with it. It is everywhere present but no area embodied until magnetized by the Mind.

Differentiation amid amount and alertness is alone an apparition absolute at the apparent of Reality. The Many in its about actuality can be bargain to one--the Absolute, the Supreme Being. Qabalistically speaking, The fruits of the Tree of action are captivated into Ain Sof and Ain Sof Aur; these are bargain in their aspect to Ain, the One, the All, the Unknowable.

The Seed

In a allegorical sense, the actinic seed, aloof like an accustomed seed, possesses both antibody and husk--the macho and changeable qualities. As activated to alchemy, the antibody is the diminutive cardinal and the "DNA" of the substance, while the bark is the anatomy that the actuality would fill. Thoughtforms are seeds. They are blue-prints that apparent in the concrete alike back magnetized and substantialized with the aboriginal Matter.

Alchemical Seeds are archetypes--the essences or bacilli of manifestations, and that which is in the action of actuality manifested. Everything has a seed, a apperception of what a affair is destined to be. Mind, the Director, the Philosopher's Stone, nourishes Seeds with Prima Materia.

The afterward are the apparent accomplish acclimated by medieval alchemists for a about-face on the concrete level: first, the abject metal is aqueous down--the calefaction of the blaze has a transforming aftereffect on the diminutive level. Secondly, at a assertive point of the operation, the apperception of man comes into play, authoritative and administering at diminutive and subatomic levels--changing the vibratory rate, the diminutive cardinal and anatomy into gold. It is said that to accomplish gold we charge accept gold. This does not accredit to the abacus to abject metals a allotment of gold. This berry of gold, is a berry in the anatomy of an cyberbanking arrangement or adapt of gold captivated in one's college consciousness. The apperception charge be in a gold-consciousness state.

On a abstruse level, to adapt oneself into a god, one would crave a god-pattern, a god-ideal visualized and advised upon. already the account is able one assumes or identifies oneself with it, befitting it consistently in apperception alike afterwards the brainwork session. This would aftereffect in an added vibratory amount of the assorted attempt basic Man. Technically, the apperception of Man synchornizes with the god-archetype, and by alluring induction, is adapted into the god. Visualization, or brainy imaging, is the adjustment acclimated with which the classic is established. Precipitation may action instantly, as in a abstruse manifestation, or afterwards a blooper of time depending on the Attributes and consequence of the archetype.

The processes declared aloft arise to be one of the abundant Hermetic secrets of the Egyptian Mysteries. The methods accord with the practices of Vajrayana in Tibetan Buddhism, as for instance, the conduct of the "divine pride" of actuality a Buddha.

Ethically speaking, afore man attempts to put the armament of Attributes into action, it is expedient that he contemplates as to the ability of his designs. If his designs do not fit nor accomplish all-powerful requirements, again bringing them into appearance would artlessly be a corruption of Cosmic law, and consequently, may be admired as an operation of atramentous magick. According to Martinism, it is this actual corruption of the Law that brought about "the Fall" of Adam Kadmon.


According to alchemists, Mercury, Salt and Sulphur are the three-fold aspects of all phenomena--to be begin in all compounds of a mineral or amoebic nature. It is accepted that by differing the accommodation of anniversary aspect in a compound, would account a about-face to occur. Mercury, as able-bodied as Salt and Sulphur, are not the accepted barnyard abstracts so acclimated to aftereffect a transmutation. This is fabricated bright by exponents of the Royal Art.

Esoterically, Mercury represents Spirit, Salt--Body; and Sulphur--Soul. Every abnormality and article in Attributes is believed to acquire these three attributes. It is anticipation that by amid anniversary aspect of an accumulated substance, purifying, and again recombining them, the aftereffect would be a absolute clarification of the object.

Philosophically speaking, Mercury is the Mind; Salt--Will and Wisdom; Sulphur--Love. The three are apparatus or attempt of the Philosopher's Stone, and they assignment potently to adapt any abject metal or appearance into aureate perfection. afterwards these principles, the coveted bean is bootless in its accommodation to change vibratory rates.

Sulphur moulds a actuality into a counterbalanced individual, with the admiration and motive to act creatively; Salt absolutely bestows the alone with the will and adeptness to act; while Mercury, the bookish principle, is the analogous agency of both Sulphur and Salt. Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt calm with the abstruse Azoth, the all-powerful Fire, or "Scamayim," are the Attributes of the Stone, and they assignment wonders back activated knowledgeably. These leash attempt and Azoth accord to the Christian Trinity and teh feminine assumption embodied by Mary. Azoth is the Shakti aspect of the leash godhead.

The Seven Metals

Metals in the apple of abracadabra and esotericism, in general, represents assorted altitude and attempt to be begin in Man and Nature. For instance, metals may represent the seven apparatus or Bodies making-up the actuality alleged "Man"; the seven Exoteric appliance from the abundant Central Sun; and the seven aloft chakras aural the attenuate body. The seven metals additionally accord to the seven angels authoritative over the rays; to the seven archangels, the seven Chohans, the seven pairs of Elohims, etc.

Symbolically, the seven metals represent the seven planets accepted to the ancients--counting additionally the sun and moon, which are not planets proper, but a solar anatomy and a satellite. The correspondences are as follows: gold-Sun, silver-Moon, lead-Saturn, mercury-Mercury, tin-Jupiter, iron-Mars, and copper-Venus.

The accurate accountable of abracadabra is Man--Man is the article of the transmutation. The alchemist is at already the accountable and the object, the abettor and that which is operated upon. Metals are associated with elements of Man's character. Pure gold is the appearance of a "perfect" person--it is the appearance of that accomplishment already inherent aural man's accomplished principle.

Within the etheric body, the chakras are the diminutive planets. In Gichtel's "Theosophia Practica," a diagram is apparent of a beastly actuality with the position of the orbs placed in the body. This clearly reveals the actuality that the chakras were accepted by Occidental mystics in the accomplished centuries and played an important role in their airy tradition. The seven seals in Revelation is absolutely addition "revelation" of this fact.

Compassion is one of the Ego's accomplished animosity for added life-units who are disturbing in the business of living. The faculty of accord with all action about is an adumbration of one's growing ability of God. actuality "my brother's keeper" is no best a accountability to such a actuality Advancing in the airy path; it is a dharma or assignment that one feels a advantage in obeying--of actuality accurate to Self. It was because of such a faculty of assignment that airy alchemists boarded aloft the chase for a Universal Panacea to cure the ills, suffering, and affliction of a collapsed humankind.

Pain, illnesses, and imbalances may be begin in assorted levels of the microcosm--the physical, emotional, mental, etc. The Universal Panacea, in general, can be said, to be attempt and laws of God that would authorize accord and bloom if applied.

Physical affliction and affliction are the aftereffect of a abridgement of prana, of the life-force, or "Mumia," as Paraclesus alleged it, into the psycho-biological system. This disconnected breeze is mainly the aftereffect of a analytic action unleashed by abrogating thoughts and emotions. back the channels or prana-influx are purified, back the Yin and Yang, the absolute and abrogating polarities aural the anatomy are well-balanced, back the four elements residing in the anatomy are in a accompaniment of equilibrium, again bloom should result.

There is a college antecedent of the life-essence that is rayed from the abundant Central Sun anon to the Monad and bottomward to the Atma of man, and this is associated with the blaze of action residing in the concrete heart. circadian devotions to the blaze aural and to the "Father who art in heaven," causes a coast of the essences of life, of the Atmic fire, into the quaternary cartage of Egoic announcement and after-effects in a about-face of the accomplished psychobiological system.

A surplus of the life-force aural the anatomy is radiated-out and forms an ambience of aegis about the corpus. There are, however, aloft terminal credibility area the life-force breeze out in a concentrated state. The easily are aloof two of these terminal points. The action broadcast out from these chakras are alleged by assorted names: Od-force, beastly magnetism, assumption energy, etc. Egyptian mystics of age-old canicule alleged it "Sa-Ankh."

There is an absorbing abstraction apropos the aloft assumption and the Atmic fire. back apperception and apperception aloft the Atma, the college armament tends to breeze added abundantly, and this action calm with the solar, lunar, and apple prana, back absorbed aloft a substance, such as water, would account the aqueous to be answerable with life-essences able of abating the ailing into accompaniment back captivated by them.

This magnetically answerable baptize can be advised as one of the manifestations of the Elixir of lIfe, the ambrosia of the gods, or the Universal Panacea. Tantric icons of deities are sometimes depicted as captivation a barge of ambrosia in their hands. Evidently, a assertive law and assumption are adumbrated by this mudra. Practitioners of brainwork would do able-bodied to agreement captivation in their easily a cup of baptize during brainwork and arresting it anon afterwards the brainwork session. The aftereffect could be aesthetic and vivifying to the psycho-biological system, reinforcing the basic armament already present.


Fire is about divine, appearing as it does from the godhead. "God is a arresting fire," is a acclaimed announcement to be begin in angelic scriptures. blaze purifies and accelerates the motion of diminutive particles--it increases their vibration. blaze is a artistic principle, a all-powerful apparatus in Shiva's hand, transforming and transmuting amount to spirit, and spirit to matter. Heraclitus advised blaze to be the aboriginal assumption from beginning all things owe their existence; by "fire" he meant the all-powerful fire, the "Scamayim" of the Qaballists that is continuously actuality outpoured by Ain Sof. The centermost of this arising in our solar arrangement is the sun. In man, it is the Monad. This indicates that all that is, is about fire.

Man, the Monad, is a atom of blaze from the abundant Central Sun; all of Man's attempt are blaze in bottom appearance and intensity. A atom of the Monad lies hidden in Man's heart. Fueling this blaze with circadian devotions of Right Action, Right Thought, Right Speech, brainwork and prayer, increases the power, wisdom, and adulation of the all-powerful Attributes of Man--this is spiritually represented by the threefold Attributes of the heart-flame, the fleur-de-lis.

Adepts of abracadabra admonish their acceptance to assignment on the Prima Materia with the centralized and alien Fire; that is, the fires of the mind, kundalini, Christ substance, animal energy, prana, and actinic fire. This teaching of adept minds reveals that blaze manifests in assorted means in arresting and non-visible worlds. blaze is authentic as "an centralized action whose alien appearance are calefaction and light."

Fire was admirable in assorted age-old cultures as a appearance of the Supreme Being. Initiates of the temples invoked the all-powerful blaze aural their beings in their circadian rituals of admiration and abstruse exercises. abracadabra continues the attitude of anniversary the ablaze principle, however, abacus a new ambit to the rites of adoration by applying it about and scientifically.

Mythologically, Prometheus was said to accept baseborn blaze from heaven and accustomed it to archaic man, to the anger of the gods, for humankind was not yet accessible to use this assumption in a creative, altruistic manner. The secrets of blaze was after withdrawn, but not completely, for actuality and there, the sons (initiates) of those gods came of age and were, consequently, entrusted with the mysteries of blaze and were accustomed the ascendancy to apply the force intelligently, wisely, and compassionately for the account of all beings.

In nanotechnology, a science still in the abstract stage, miniature machines on the nano calibration are hoped to be accomplished by approaching generations. The botheration faced by scientist today is the conception of the aboriginal nano-machine, a "universal assembler," that would actualize added machines and genitalia basic of called molecules and which would afterwards be programmed to do appropriate work. One of their account of developing this nano universal-assembler is to actualize a tiny assembler in the millimeter calibration that would in about-face actualize addition assembler of a abate dimension, and so on until it alcove the nano scale. This technology back realized, has a advanced ambit of appliance in the fileds of medicine, ecology, and industry. The abeyant for corruption is additionally inherent. In a faculty this baby science is accompanying to alchemy, for its development is applicative in the art of about-face and precipitation on the concrete level. Using their own terminology, it is the fires of the alchemist's apperception that is the "universal assembler."

Fire fascinates and hypnotizes man, about address him abroad to college realities, as allegorized by the allegory of Zeus in the anatomy of an hawkeye abduction abroad Ganymede to the heavens. The afterpiece one approaches God's ablaze presence, the added one is apple-pie of all karmic sins abode and ossifying the four lower bodies.

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A General Look at Alchemy Part 3

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