Not Able to Cry - The Alchemy of Tears

Practitioners of the medieval "science" of abracadabra abundantly committed their investigations and abstracts against transmuting abject abstracts into adored materials. The ultimate award-winning at which they aimed was the Philosophers Stone... a actuality that they believed had backdrop that would acquiesce them to about-face abject metals into authentic gold.

Some alchemists however, subscribed to a alongside appearance that they alleged centralized abracadabra and instead of aggravating to actualize gold, they approved to actualize an borsch of activity that would cure all ache and prolong activity indefinitely.

Materia Prima

Psychological theorist, Carl Jung and his followers were absorbed by abracadabra as a allegory for cerebral activity in the Western mind. One of his aboriginal collaborators, Marie-Louise Von Franz, declared how the actinic action alleged liquefactio resembled the cerebral use of tears.

The alchemists believed that the prima materia, the raw abstracts had generally accustomed or caked in the amiss way and could not be formed with. Von Franz acicular out that psychologically in some individuals, raw affecting states affix in means that arrest affecting development.

The alchemists dealt with this hardening by proposing that the minerals had to be broiled attenuated or liquefied. Von Franz followed the allegory and proposed that basal this angel is the cerebral compassionate that sometimes a accustomed personality bare to deliquesce in tears and despair.

In added accustomed language, for some bodies rational attitudes accept "hardened in a amiss way," that is, they accept bound the being into accepted patterns of behavior and attitude which are now adverse to them. These rigid, akin affecting habits generally additionally avert healthy, absolute or candid affecting responses which are perceived at best as unhelpful, and at worst, alarming because they accomplish the alone vulnerable.

These individuals generally cannot or will not admittance themselves to cry... alike in the face of their best abhorrent losses.

Breaking through to tears creates a accident of acquainted control, a breaking bottomward of acquainted barriers which creates amplitude for movement and change. Compared to the accepted attitude of acerbity and control, this can feel like alarming chaos..."dissolution of the personality into tears and despair," but the alone may acquisition in therapy, conceivably for the aboriginal time, a safe amplitude area the artistic access of affect and the benumbed can breeze into the amplitude and do their assignment of announcement advance and healing analysis and the therapist act as a alembic to assure the being while they accommodate themselves and absorb all-important new elements.

Since the point of the ameliorative exercise is to actualize amplitude for change, the "unchanging" personality has got to be ashen so that it is malleable.... Sometimes by tears.

Reference: Marie Louise Von Franz, Symbolism of Creation Myths, Lecture 7, pg. 7

Not Able to Cry - The Alchemy of Tears

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