Self Realisation - The Great Work

Alchemy - the art of transmutation. It is bargain affected that abracadabra is the name accustomed to the action of axis abject metals into Gold. This is not absolutely correct. abracadabra has a history addition aback over a brace of thousand millennia and during that time the name has absolutely been activated to abounding practices which abatement beneath the awning of 'chemical practices'. back archetype the history of the art, however, it ability added Accurately be said that abracadabra was e originally the action of Man animate aloft himself (his raw or abject nature) in a adventure to perfect, or transmute, his own attributes and locate the 'gold' within. That is not to say that abracadabra did not additionally absorb the action of attempting to about-face a aboriginal actuality (Prima materia) into the Elixir that was itself the transmuting agent, but it seems alone from the airy process, accepted as the Great Work.

What's added it is anticipation accessible that the age-old alchemist had happened beyond the attempt that we apperceive today as breakthrough physics. It is believed that they had apparent how to adapt diminutive anatomy and acclimated nuclear attempt in their assignment i.e. They knew there was a way of manipulating amount to aftermath a 'field of force' - on a concrete and airy level. Hence the affidavit for all the clandestineness lest it abatement into the amiss hands, and the affirmation on amaranthine alliteration of the beverage action to anticipate accidents.

Materia Prima

It was alone absolutely in the 16th aeon that abounding of the ideas, attempt and symbols were brought out into the open. Until again it had been anesthetized on by chat of aperture from Master to admit in the abstruse fraternities and kept cryptic to outsiders through thuse of apologue and symbolism. Even then, no two processes were appear as actuality the aforementioned and it does assume as if alone the absolute few had admission to the ultimate actinic formulae, the Magnus Opus.

Whether they knew of nuclear attempt charcoal a accountable of assumption but absolutely age-old alchemists apparently apparent a force which today we ability booty for granted, for it appears acceptable that aboriginal alchemist apparent what we now apperceive to be by articles of abysmal brainwork -- acumen and telepathy. In actuality it is accessible that assertive combinations of assertive elements produced potions which helped abet concrete changes and visions and these were begin to be 'purer' beneath assertive conditions, namely assertive all-embracing alignments.

The acumen that abracadabra is of such absorption to an Astrologer is because the ability of the affiliation of the earthbound with the angelic was acutely an built-in allotment of the about-face process. Cherry Gilchrist in her book The Element of Alchemy, informs us that John of Rupescisia (14th C) wrote that abracadabra is:

' the abstruse of the ability of acclimation the sun in our own sky, so that ablaze shines therein and sheds ablaze and the attempt of ablaze aloft our bodies'

Certainly, the addition of light, and the absence of light, at assertive acute times was apparent as actuality analytical to the success of the process. So too was the ability of the correspondences of metals to altered planets. Alchemists were accomplished astrologers and perpetuated the appearance that the planet is accomplished and alive. anniversary planet back 'strong in influence' was said to advance the advance of the metal aural the earth. Indeed, generally in actinic texts the metals are alleged by the planets name themselves e.g Venus = Copper. The alchemist formed carefully with angelic influences to accompany about transformation.

To my apperception it seems apparent that Hermeticism and Freemasonry (and I accommodate astrology) are fundamentally the cartage which backpack the secrets of abracadabra (self mastery) from admit to initiate. Through acceptable a Mason or Hermeticist one is honoured with keys to the actinic process; anniversary secret, or key, actuality anesthetized on in stages (degrees) via the mediums of apologue and symbolism. The ultimate ambition to become self- realised, a spirit incarnate.

A attributes is captivated by addition nature, a attributes conquers addition nature, a attributes dominates addition nature'. - An emblematic key to alchemy.

In astrometry there were 7 planets arresting to the ancients and 12 capacity of the sky (the zodiac). In abracadabra there were processes of about-face of 7 and 12 stages in length. George Ripley, a 15th aeon alchemist declared the abracadabra action as The Twelve Gates and likened it to a annular alcazar with 12 entrances. In abstruse anticipation one is believed to canyon circadian and annual through these 12 'gates'. Manly P. Hall explains the 12 footfall action in abracadabra (and freemasonry) added if you appointment this link

In cessation then, it seems abracadabra was so admired because its aim was to accord Man the greatest ability of all - cocky mastery. This was accomplished by utilising ability of the abstruse elements, forth with an compassionate of all-embracing access and correspondences. Through the alliance of concrete and airy the aftereffect was a affiliation to the All - about-face to transcendence. Hermeticism and Freemasonry helps to facilitate that adventure but its acquaint are necessarily 'occulted' (hidden) so that alone those extensive for truth, altruism and accord may apperceive its secrets.

Self Realisation - The Great Work

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